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“The trouble is that to operate the simulator it takes the whole afterguard of the boat. “The Team New Zealand simulator is arguably the most advanced sailing simulator in the world and for that reason they’re very confident when they load in a hydrofoil to test in the simulation environment they’re going to get really good data that is very applicable on the water,” McKinsey senior partner Brian Cox told The Associated Press from New Jersey. McKinsey’s solution was to develop and AI bot that could learn to use the simulator by itself, without the sailors needing to be present. Time is critical in America’s Cup campaigns and Team New Zealand partnered with the consulting firm McKinsey and Company and its subsidiary QuantumBlack to come up with an artificial intelligence solution to maximize use of the simulator. The hydrofoils make the AC75 class boats fly above the water. It did its vital work in the computer simulator on which Team New Zealand’s winning hydrofoil designs were rigorously tested and proven. The mystery sailor was a bot, a robot, or an artificial intelligence creation which became in effect a virtual sailor. It was capable at times of out-sailing the Team New Zealand afterguard and, then, only months after it had learned to sail in a straight line. But its tireless efforts were influential if not decisive in Team New Zealand’s 7-3 win over Italy’s Luna Rossa in the 36th Cup match. It didn’t have the profile of Pete Burling or Blair Tuke and it didn’t get to spray champagne on the stage at Wednesday’s trophy presentations. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Team New Zealand’s ace in the hole in its successful defense of the America’s Cup may have been a sailor who was never seen on the water but who clocked more miles than all of the crew of the winning boat Te Ruhetai.

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